Saturday, April 14, 2007

Turn Your Junk Into Art

Our friend Mandy Smith is calling on all Cincinnatians to participate in a "collect-ive" art project.

Collect a little trash. Make a little art. Have a little fun. Find a little meaning.

What is The Collect?

A project that brings together the people of Cincinnati and helps them think about what it means to be a community

A time to tidy up a bit

A chance for the broken to be made whole, for the worthless to be of value, for the lost to become found, (for the couch potato to get off the couch?)

A groundswell movement which puts art-making back into the hands of the people and raises questions about ritual, urban living, recycling

An excuse to take a walk and visit a local coffee shop

All the above.

Go here for more info and then put your junk in the box at Brutopia. Cool, eh?

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